What is NCR?
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NCR stands for No Carbon Required or called Carbonless copy paper (CCP), non-carbon copy paper and is used on hand written documents that require multiple copies, the paper already contains carbon so that when you write on the top sheet, your writing is transferred to the below sheets creating copies. NCR as many uses such as for Invoices, Delivery Notes, Credit Notes, Receipts, Inspection forms, Certificates, Lab Tickets and so on.
Limited Time Offer Coupon - NCR Print Canada
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limited time offer :$5 off coupon code: BIB7WEUX6YCPon all orders until Oct.31.2016 $10 off coupon code: 9CBDZXZ72190on all orders until Oct.05.2016 5% off coupon code: LGIKM6HG7VQEon all orders until Nov.05.2016